Monday, August 25, 2008

A Little Late

I don't have my camera here, My husbands has it in TN, But I did want to update everyone on what is going on. Scott was home for the weekend and we did have Gabby! She is so cute and we cannot get enough of her. But I got really sick Thursday night and was sick all weekend so I finally went to the Dr today and I have Strep!!!!! That isn't anything new for me but it still hurts just as bad every time! I didn't the best I could to stay away from Gabby and Scott but it was hard because I hadn't seen either of them in two weeks! But I got a shot from the Dr so I hope I will start feeling betting!!! In the meantime.......
Yes yes I have been reading the Twilight Series and I am on the second one right now... I know every has already read them all like five times but I couldn't get into them for a long time. I Started reading the first one like a year ago and didn't like it, but the last week, since I have been home I started reading them again. We'll see I guess??? But so far I love them!


Jake and Morgan said...

Sorry to hear you got strep! I know the feeling i swear i always am sick with the strep! Hang in there with the twilight series they are way good, new moon is a slow one though but the ending is really good so keep reading!!

Kellie Henry said...

So sorry you are sick! I will come over and bring you soup or probably ice cream! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you got sick that sucks! I feel like I'm always getting sick. Twilight is by far my favorite book out of the series but like Morg says just keep reading! They only get better! :) Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on the cake! I'll totally make one for you! Just say when! :) Hope you are feeling better though!

Sheena said...

Boo...sorry you are sick! Strep sucks! Glad you are reading the books! Now you will be ready to go to the movie with all of us! :)

Tiffany Nelson said...

Heather! I miss you so much sis. How have you been? And I read all the Twilight series this summer also haha...I felt out of the loop I guess. They were pretty good I thought. Sometimes I had a hard time reading them cuz they are so far fetched sometimes but they're still great books! I LOVE Edward haha

Jons and Celeste Leigh said...

Heather, I had a way hard time getting into the Twilight series last year too. I felt like I wasn't normal since everyone was raving about it and I just didn't see why. I decided to give them another try this summer too! My husband and I just moved and in the process a bunch of old photos fell out of a box and on the top was an old picture of me and you at Girls camp all decked out in bandanas and trying to look tough. It made me laugh.